

字词 结晶
释义 结晶
 jié jīng
 (析出晶体) crystallize
 (晶体) crystal:
  盐结晶 salt crystals
 (成果) crystallization; fruit; product; quintessence; kristallization; valuable results; vegetate:
  劳动的结晶 the fruit of labor;
  知识的结晶 quintessence of knowledge;
  智慧的结晶 a crystallization of wisdom
 结晶半衰期 crystallization half-life;
 结晶变质作用 {地质} crystalline metamorphism;
 结晶玻璃 glass ceramics;
 结晶不匀性 crystalline inhomogeneity;
 结晶槽 crystallization tank;
 结晶层 crystallizing layer;
 结晶赤铁矿 oligist;
 结晶动力学 crystallization kinetics;
 结晶度 crystallinity; degree of crystallization;
 结晶断面 {化} crystalline fracture;
 结晶发光 crystallo-luminescence;
 结晶发生学 crystallogeny;
 结晶分异 crystallization differentiation;
 结晶附生 crystalline overgrowth;
 结晶共聚物 crystalline copolymer;
 结晶构造学 crystallology;
 结晶固体 {化} crystalline solid;
 结晶核 nuclei of crystallization; nucleus of crystallization;
 结晶化学 crystal chemistry;
 结晶基底 crystalline basement;
 结晶基体 crystalline matrix;
 结晶剂 crystallizing agent;
 结晶间隔 metacollid;
 结晶结构 crystal structure;
 结晶净化 purging by crystallization;
 结晶器件 crystallizer;
 结晶胶体 metacolloid;
 结晶囊状体 lamprocystidium;
 结晶盘 crystallizer pan;
 结晶片岩 crystalline schist;
 结晶谱带 crystalline band;
 结晶器 crystallizer;
 结晶清漆 crystal varnish;
 结晶热 heat of crystallization;
 结晶石墨 kish;
 结晶时期 crystallization period;
 结晶式样 crystalline pattern;
 结晶水 water of crystallization; crystal water;
 结晶速度 crystallization rate; crystallization velocity; crystalline growth velocity;
 结晶糖片 slab;
 结晶体 acicula; aciculas;
 结晶铜绿 verdigris;
 结晶完整性 crystalline perfection;
 结晶温度 crystallization temperature;
 结晶学 crystallography;
 结晶习性 crystal habit;
 结晶细胞 crystalogeneous cell;
 结晶形态学 crystalline morphology;
 结晶岩浆 crystalline magma;
 结晶岩石 crystalline rock;
 结晶窑 crystallization kilns;
 结晶釉 crystal glaze;
 结晶皂 fig soap;
 结晶蔗糖 candy;
 结晶指数 crystallographic index;
 结晶中心 centre of crystallization; crystallization centre; grain of crystallization;
 结晶煮沸 crystal boiling;
 结晶蒸发器 crystallizing evaporator;
 结晶锥辉石 crystalline acmite;
 结晶紫 crystal violet;
 结晶作用 crystallization




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