

字词 结合
释义 结合
 jié hé
 (发生密切联系; 联合) combine; unite; integrate; link; binding; coalition; cohesion; connection; joint; union; association; join; incorporation; coalescence; coupling; junctura (pl. juncturae); concrescence; nexus; valence; merging; consolidation:
  与群众相结合 integrate oneself with the masses; become one with the masses;
  把理论与实践结合起来 combine (link) theory with practice;
  梦游者能把睡眠和运动巧妙地结合在一起。 A somnambulist can happily combine sleep and exercise.
  我把你的建议和我的计划结合在一起。 I integrated your suggestion with my plan.
 (结为夫妻) marry; be united in wedlock; be tied in wedlock:
  他俩的结合违背了各自父母的愿望。 They got married to each other against their parents' wishes.
 结合部位 binding site;
 结合层 {土} binder course; close binder;
 结合簇 haptophore;
 结合代数 associative algebra;
 结合蛋白(类) binding protein(s);
 结合点 binding site; bonding point;
 结合电子 bonding electrons;
 结合方案 association schemes;
 结合方式 structure;
 结合概率 {数} join probability; joint probability;
 结合杆 connecting rod; union link;
 结合函数 associative function;
 结合环 associative rings;
 结合核 syncaryon; synkarion; synkaryon;
 结合混合料 binder matrix;
 结合剂 agglutinant; binding agent;
 结合角钢 connecting angle;
 结合力 bond;
 结合硫 fault sulphur;
 结合律 {数} associative law; law of association;
 结合螺栓 joint bolt;
 结合面 {工} faying face; faying surface;
 结合酶 desmoenzyme;
 结合能 binding energy;
 结合器 colligator; connector;
 结合强度 bond strength;
 结合区 land;
 结合水 bound water; tie water;
 结合碳 combined-carbon;
 结合体 arrangement; amalgam; {生态} association; ecological association;
 结合物 ligature; solder;
 结合型 mating type;
 结合性 associativity; associative property; combinability;
 结合性能 binding ability;
 结合音 combination tone;
 结合值 associated value;
 结合质 connexus;
 结合珠蛋白 hoptoglobin;
 结合作用 combination; conjugation




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