

 (长出果实或种子) bear (fruit); form (seed):
  开花结果 blossom and bear fruit;
  今年桃树结果不会多。 The peach trees are not going to bear well this year.
  这树结一种红色的坚果。 This tree bears a hard red fruit.
  这些花结子儿了。 These flowers have gone to seed.
 另见 jié。
 (用线绳等打结或编织) tie; knit; knot; weave:
  把毛线结成毛线衫 knit wool into a sweater;
  结网 weave a net;
  那条丝带结得不好。 That ribbon doesn't tie well.
 (发生某种联系或关系; 凝聚) unite; connect; join; coagulate; congeal; form; forge; cement:
  结痂 form a scab; scab;
  结为夫妇 be tied in wedlock;
  结下深厚的友谊 forge a profound friendship;
  北方冰结得早, 融化得晚。 The ice forms early and stays late in the north.
  牛奶上面结了一层皮。 A skin has formed on the milk.
 (结束; 了结) settle; conclude:
  归根结底 in the final (last) analysis;
  结账 settle accounts
 (用线绳等打成的扣; 结成物) knot:
  打结 tie a knot;
  蝴蝶结 bowknot;
  活结 slipknot;
  解结 untie (undo) a knot;
  死结 fast knot;
  轮结 rolling hitch
 (保证负责的字据) written guarantee; affidavit:
  具结 give a written guarantee
  {电子} junction:
  p-n 结 p-n junction;
  生长结 grown junction
  {生理} node:
  淋巴结 lymph node
 (姓氏) a surname:
  结萌 Jie Meng
 另见 jiē。




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