

字词 经营
释义 经营
 jīng yíng
 manage; operate; run; engage in:
  发展多种经营 promote a diversified economy;
  改善经营管理 improve management and administration;
  苦心经营 take great pains to build up (an enterprise, etc.);
  经营厂矿 operate factories and mines;
  经营管理不善 poor operation and management;
  经营得法 with good management;
  私人经营 under private management;
  经营不善是倒闭的一个原因。 Bad management was a cause of the failure.
  她母亲开始经营一家小杂货店。 Her mother began operation of a small grocery.
 经营比率 operating ratio;
 经营比率指数 index of operating ratio;
 经营才干 management competence;
 经营策略 management tactic;
 经营差异津贴 operating-differential subsidy;
 经营成本 operational cost; operating cost;
 经营成果 business performance; economic performance; managerial efficiency; productive performance;
 经营成果概念 result of operation concept;
 经营承包责任制 management contract responsibility system;
 经营单位获利能力 profitability of operating units;
 经营单一的生产队 teams that engage in one-crop farming;
 经营对策 management game;
 经营范围 scope of business (operation);
 经营方针 management principle;
 经营分析 operation analysis;
 经营管理 management control;
 经营管理决策权 decision-making power in operation and management; the decision-making right of operation and management;
 经营管理权(限) powers for operation and management; the right of operation and management;
 经营管理水平 managerial and administrative expertise;
 经营管理系统 system of operation and management;
 经营管理效率 efficiency of operation and management;
 经营管理自主权 decision-making power in operation and management;
 经营好坏 level of managerial competence; quality of management; success or failure of enterprise operation;
 经营合伙人 working partner;
 经营环境 management environment;
 经营活动 business operations; operating activities;
 经营机制 managerial mechanism; management system;
 经营决策 managerial decisionmaking;
 经营率 operating rate;
 经营目标 management objectives; operations objective;
 经营权 power of operation;
 经营思想 ideas about business operation; management; management thought;
 经营外汇业务 engage in all kinds of foreign exchange operations;
 经营外汇业务许可证 licence for foreign exchange operations;
 经营效率 business efficiency;
 经营要素 management element;
 经营原则 business principles;
 经营运输保险业务 underwrite transportation insurance;
 经营责任制 responsibility system for operation; managerial (management) responsibility system; responsibility system in business operation;
 经营战略 management strategy;
 经营职能 function of management;
 经营作风 business practice




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