

字词 组合
释义 组合
 zǔ hé
 (组织成为整体) make up; compose; constitute:
  这本集子是由诗、散文和短篇小说三部分组合而成的。 This collection is made up of three parts: poems, essays and short stories.
 (组织起来的整体) association; combination
  {数} {机} combination
  assembly; pack; combining; unit; assemblage; composition; build-up; coenobium; bank; {计} blocking
 组合泵 sundstrand pump;
 组合变形 combined deformation;
 组合博弈 combined game;
 组合不等式 combinatorial inequality;
 组合侧铣刀 {机} mesh side cutter;
 组合测井仪combination tool;
 组合测量measurement in a closed series;
 组合测验 a combination test;
 组合拆卸式码头 instantaneous integrated quay;
 组合车 combination vehicle; composite car;
 组合车床 combined lathe;
 组合车身 {工} unitized body;
 组合程序 assembly program; build-up sequence;
 组合齿轮 built-up gear;
 组合传动 group drive; series drive;
 组合传声器 combined microphone;
 组合船 fabricated ship;
 组合窗 fenestrato;
 组合磁带 stack tape;
 组合词典 component dictionary;
 组合错误 composition error;
 组合大架 built-up girder;
 组合大梁 {土} compound girder;
 组合带 assemblage zone;
 组合带卷 built-up coil; composite coil;
 组合刀架 combination tool block;
 组合刀具 {机} gang tool; box tool;
 组合刀头 dado head;
 组合导航 integrated navigation;
 组合导航计算机 integrated navigation computer;
 组合导线 composite conductor;
 组合递价 joint bid;
 组合电池 assembled battery;
 组合电杆 joint pole;
 组合电机 composition motor;
 组合电缆 {电工} combination cable; unit cable;
 组合电流 combination current;
 组合电路 {电工} combiner circuit; combinational circuit; combining circuit;
 组合电器 combined electrical apparatus;
 组合电源装置 integrated drive generator;
 组合顶梁 linked roof bar (金属支架的);
 组合对策 combined game;
 组合耳机 combination earphone;
 组合法 combined method;
 组合方式 compound mode;
 组合放大器 unit amplifier; group amplifier;
 组合肥皂 built soap;
 组合分析 combinatory analysis; combinatorial analysis;
 组合概率 combined probability;
 组合干扰 combination interference;
 组合杠杆可调式比较仪 Mikrotast;
 组合高度表 composite altimeter;
 组合工艺学 group technology;
 组合拱 {建} built-up arch; compound arch;
 组合购买 group purchase;
 组合关系 syntagma;
 组合管风琴 unit organ;
 组合规化 combinatorial programming;
 组合柜 combination sideboard;
 组合滚珠轴承 {机} compound ball bearing;
 组合过程 anabolic process;
 组合函数 composite function;
 组合桁架 {建} composite roof truss;
 组合恒等式 combinatorial identity;
 组合机床 {机} combined machine tool; aggregate machine tool; building-block machine; combination lathe; modular machine tool;
 组合机构 combined mechanism;
 组合几何 combinatorial geometry;
 组合继电器 {电} banked relay;
 组合加工法 group method;
 组合家具 unit furniture; modular furniture;
 组合夹具 built-up jig;
 组合价格 package price;
 组合件 assembling unit; molectron; assembly;
 组合建造 fabrication;
 组合焦距 combined focal length;
 组合胶 assembly adhesive; assembly glue;
 组合铰刀 {机} gang reamer;
 组合角尺 combination square;
 组合截面板 composite slab;
 组合结构 composite structure; composite construction; unitized construction;
 组合结构原理 unit construction principle;
 组合晶体检波器 combination crystal detector;
 组合卡片 composite card;
 组合开关 combined switch; cubicle switch; small control switches; switchgroup; unit switch;
 组合开关电路 {电子} combinational circuit;
 组合开关装置 cubicle switchgear;
 组合控制器 combined controller;
 组合控制装置 grouped controls;
 组合拉刀 built-up broach; combined broach;
 组合理论 {数} combinatorial theory;
 组合力 combining ability;
 组合连杆 jointed connecting rod;
 组合连接 built-up connection;
 组合连接器 unit connector;
 组合连轴器 combination sleeve;
 组合量规 built-up gauge; combination gauge;
 组合梁 {工} built-up beam; combination beam; composite girder; compound team; lenticular beam; lentiform beam;
 组合滤波器 junction filter;
 组合轮胎 combination tyre;
 组合轮缘 built-up rim; divided rim;
 组合论 {数} combinatorial theory;
 组合逻辑 combinational logic; combinatory logic;
 组合逻辑电路 combinational logic circuit;
 组合逻辑元件 combinational logic element;
 组合落料模 gang blanking die;
 组合米机 combined rice polisher;
 组合密封件 combination seal;
 组合模 combination die; single split mold;
 组合模板 gang form; built-up plate; insert pattern; segmental pattern plate;
 组合模式 integrated mode;
 组合母线 multisplit wire; bus-bar;
 组合配件 discrete;
 组合配线架 combined distributing frame;
 组合配线盘 combined distributing board;
 组合频率 combination frequency;
 组合器 combiner; combiner tree;
 组合墙 faced wall;
 组合曲柄 built-up crank;
 组合曲轴 built-up crankshaft;
 组合三角座 puzzle lock;
 组合散射 combination scattering;
 组合伞 compound parachute;
 组合砂轮 combinated grinding wheel;
 组合砂箱 built-up flask; built-up moulding box;
 组合设计 modular design;
 组合十进制 {计} packed decimal;
 组合数据库 combined data base;
 组合数学 combinatorial mathematics; combinatorics;
 组合顺序 built-up sequence;
 组合丝锥 {机} sectional tap;
 组合塔式六角车床 {机} combination turret lathe;
 组合踏盘 box-plate tappet;
 组合太阳望远镜 spar;
 组合特性 combined characteristic; composite characteristic;
 组合体 arrangement; {机} assembly;
 组合体系桥 combined system bridge;
 组合天线 combined antenna;
 组合头 combination head; gang head;
 组合图 constitutional diagram;
 组合图形 composite figure;
 组合推力一径向轴承 {机} combined thrust and radial bearing;
 组合拓扑 (学) combinatorial topology;
 组合万能机床 combined universal machine tool;
 组合网络 combinational network;
 组合桅杆 built-up mast;
 组合位格式 combination bit pattern;
 组合问题 combinatorial problem;
 组合屋面 built-up roofing;
 组合铣床 {机} combinationtype miller;
 组合铣刀 gang cutter; cutter block; gang mill;
 组合纤维 conjugate fiber;
 组合线路 {讯} grouping circuits; combination circuit;
 组合线路装置 combination line device;
 组合线性调频发生器 synthesized linear-FM generator;
 组合项 group item;
 组合谐频 combination tone;
 组合信号 composite signal;
 组合袖珍伏安计 combined pocket volt-ammeter;
 组合学 {数} combinatorics;
 组合压路机 aggregate roller;
 组合扬声器 combination loudspeaker; composite loudspeaker;
 组合应力 combined stress;
 组合语言 assembly language;
 组合原则 combination principle;
 组合云母 built-up mica;
 组合运价 combination joint rate;
 组合载荷 combined load;
 组合造房 component building;
 组合照明 combination lighting;
 组合振动 {光谱} combination vibration;
 组合制导 combined guidance;
 组合轴 built-up shaft;
 组合轴承 {机} combination bearing;
 组合柱 {土} combination column; reinforced column;
 组合桩 built pile;
 组合装置 composite set;
 组合自动控制器 combination automatic controller;
 组合钻 combination drill;
 组合钻床 combination drilling machine;
 组合钻具 way-type drilling unit;
 组合最优化 combinatorial optimization




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