

字词 纵横
释义 纵横
 zòng héng
  (竖和横) in length and breadth; vertically and horizontally:
  纵横交错的铁路网 a crisscross network of railways
 (奔放自如) with great ease; freely:
  笔意纵横 write with great ease
 纵横比 {物} aspect ratio;
 纵横变换器 crossbar transformer;
 纵横尺寸比 asperratio;
 纵横奇偶监督码 horizontal and vertical parity check code;
 纵横接线器 crossbar switch;
 纵横开关 crossbar switch;
 纵横两用锯 mitre saw;
 纵横排队记发器 queueing register for incoming trunk from crossbar office;
 纵横区分说 horizontal-vertical distinction;
 纵横人工出中继器 outgoing trunk circuit in toll office to crossbar exchange;
 纵横入局记发器 register for incoming trunk from crossbar office;
 纵横图 magic square;
 纵横弯曲 bending with combined axial and lateral load;
 纵横移动工作台 cross slide table;
 纵横支撑 girth;
 纵横组字迷 crossword




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