字词 | 红外 |
释义 | 红外 hóng wài infrared 红外报警装置 infrared warning device; 红外背景 infrared background; 红外变像管 infrared image converter tube; sniperscope; 红外波 infrared waves; 红外步枪瞄准镜 sniperscope; 红外材料 infrared material; 红外彩色胶片 {摄} infrared colour film; 红外测雹 infrared detection of hail; 红外测绘 infrared mapping; 红外测距仪 infrared range-measurement system; Distomat; 红外测量 infrared measurement; 红外测温仪 infrared radiation thermometer; 红外测碳 determination of carbon by infrared analysis; 红外测氧 determination of oxygen by infrared analysis; 红外成像 infrared imaging; 红外成像扫描器 infrared imaging scanner; 红外成像系统 infrared imaging system; 红外成像照相术 pictorial infrared photography; 红外成像装置 infrared imaging device; 红外传感 infrared sensing; 红外传感器 infrared pickoff; infrared sensor; 红外传感头 infrared sensing head; 红外传感元件 infrared sensing element; 红外导标 infrared beacon; 红外导航 infrared navigation; 红外导流罩 irdome; 红外导引系统 infrared seeker system; 红外导引头 infrared seeker; 红外灯 infrared lamp; 红外底片 infrared negative; infrared negative film; 红外地平仪 infrared horizon; 红外地平仪传感器 infrared horizon sensor; 红外点光源 infrared spotlight; 红外电荷耦合器件 infrared CCD; infrared sensitive CCD; 红外电荷耦合系统 infrared charge-coupled system; 红外电视 infrared television; 红外电视跟踪器 infrared TV tracker; 红外电视系统 infrared TV system; 红外定位器 infrared locator; 红外定向仪 infrared search set; 红外度谱术 infrared spectrometry; 红外对抗 infrared counteraction; infrared countermeasure; 红外对抗技术 infrared countermeasure technique; 红外对抗装置 infrared countermeasures device; 红外多光谱发射 infrared multispectral emittance; 红外二色性 infrared dichroism; 红外发光材料 infrared luminous material; 红外发光二极管 infrared emitting diode; 红外发光器 infrared illuminator; 红外发散 infrared divergence; 红外发射 infrared emission 红外发射能 infrared energy; 红外发射率 infrared emissing ability; 红外发射器 infrared transmitter; 红外发射强度 infrared emittance; 红外发射源 infrared emitter; 红外发生器 infrared generator; 红外反潜技术 infrared anti-submarine technique; 红外反射光学材料 infrared reflective optical material; 红外反射器 infrared reflective device; 红外飞点望远镜 infrared flying spot telescope; 红外分光光度计 infrared spectrophotometer; 红外分光光度法 infrared spectrophotometry; 红外分光光度学 infrared spectrophotometry; 红外分光镜 infrared beamsplitter; 红外分析器 infrared analyzer; 红外辐射 infrared radiation; infrared; 红外辐射传感器 infrared radiation sensor; 红外辐射计 infrared radiometer; 红外辐射接收器 infrared radiation sensor; 红外辐射强度 infrared intensity; 红外辐射热计 infrared bolometer; 红外辐射损伤 infrared radiation damage; 红外辐射通量 infrared flux; 红外辐射图样 infrared radiation pattern; 红外辐射涂层 infrared radiating coating; 红外辐射温度计 infrared radiation thermometer; 红外辐射育种 breeding with infrared radiation; mutation induced by infrared radiation; 红外辐射源 source of infrared radiation; infrared origin; 红外辐射率图 infrared radiance pattern; 红外干扰 infrared jamming; 红外干涉 infrared interference; 红外干涉法 infrared interference method; 红外干涉光谱仪 infrared interferometer; 红外干涉滤光片 infrared interference filter; 红外高温计 infrared pyrometer; 红外跟踪 infrared tracking; 红外跟踪记录仪 recording infrared tracking instrument; 红外跟踪设备(系统) infrared tracking system; 红外工程 infrared engineering; 红外观察 infrared viewing; 红外观察器 sniperscope; 红外光导摄像管 infrared vidicon; 红外光导探测器 infrared photoconductive detector; 红外光电倍增管 infrared photo multiplier; 红外光电材料 infrared photo-electric material; 红外光电磁探测器 infrared photoelectro-magnetic detector; 红外光电导体 infrared photoconductor; 红外光电管 infrared photocell; 红外光电摄像管 infrared vidicon; 红外光电探测器 infrared photoelectric detector; 红外光电阴极 infrared photocathode; 红外光度计 infrared photometer; 红外光伏探测器 infrared photovoltage detector; 红外光会聚法 infrared optical rendezvous technique; 红外光敏电阻器 infrared photoresistor; 红外光敏乳胶 infrared sensitive emulsion; 红外光谱 infrared spectrum; 红外光谱测量 infrared spectrometry; 红外光谱辐射计 infrared spectroradio meter; 红外光谱辐射率 infrared spectral radiance; 红外光谱学 infrared spectroscopy; 红外光谱仪 infrared spectrometer; 红外光乳胶 infrared (photographic) emulsion; 红外光栅 echelette; 红外光束 infrared beam; 红外光束导引 infrared beam riding; 红外光束俘获 infrared beam capture; 红外光束聚光器 infrared beam condenser; 红外光束控制 infrared beam control; 红外光束扫描 infrared beam flying; 红外光束制导 infrared (beam) guidance; 红外光外差 infrared optical heterodyne; 红外光学玻璃 glasses for infrared use; 红外光学材料 infrared optical material; 红外光学晶体 crystal for infrared use; 红外光学塑料 infrared optical plastics; 红外光学纤维 infrared optical fibre; 红外光引导导弹 infrared beam follower missile; 红外光源 infrared light supply; 红外光照明 infrared illumination; 红外光子 infrared photon; 红外广角全景照片 infrared wide-angle panoramic photo; 红外焊接 infrared bonding; 红外行扫描器 infrared line scan device; 红外航迹探测 infrared wake detection; 红外火控系统 infrared fire-control system; 红外激发 infrared excitation; 红外激光 infrared laser; infrared laser light; 红外激光雷达 coherent infrared radar; 红外激光器 infrared laser; 红外激活 infrared activation; 红外激射(器) iraser (infrared amplification of stimulated emission of radiation); infrared maser; 红外技术 infrared technique; infrared technology; 红外加热 infrared heating; 红外加热灯 heat lamp; 红外假目标 infrared decoy; infrared decoy environment; 红外假目标识别 infrared decoy discrimination; 红外监控器 infrared surveillance equipment; 红外监视 infrared surveillance; 红外检查 infrared inspection; 红外检漏器 infrared leak detector; 红外鉴别伪装 infrared discrimination of camouflage; 红外鉴别植物 infrared identification of plants; 红外胶卷 infrared photographic film; 红外角跟踪 infrared angle tracker; 红外接近指示器 infrared near indicator; 红外近距引爆 infrared proximity action; 红外晶体 infrared crystal; 红外空对空导弹 infrared air-to-air missile; 红外空间信息 infrared aerospace intelligence; 红外雷达 infrared radar; infrared range and detection equipment; 红外粒子 infrared particle; 红外量子 infrared quantum; 红外量子探测器 infrared quantum detector; 红外量子转换器 infrared quantum converter; 红外灵敏材料 infrared sensitive material; 红外灵敏度 infrared sensitivity; 红外灵敏系统 infrared sensitive system; 红外滤光片 infrared filter; 红外脉冲 infrared pulse; 红外漫射 infrared diffusion; 红外瞄准激光雷达 infrared-aimed lidar; 红外瞄准激光器 infrared-aimed laser; 红外瞄准镜 sniperscope; 红外瞄准控制 infrared-pointing control; 红外瞄准望远镜 infrared sniperscope telescope; 红外敏感器 infrared sensitive device; 红外敏感元件 infrared sensor; 红外目标 infrared target; 红外目标衬比 infrared target contrast; 红外目标俘获 infrared target capture; 红外目标识别 infrared identification; infrared signature identification; 红外奴役 infrared slavery; 红外偏振器 infrared polarizer; 红外频带 infrared band; 红外频率 infrared frequency; 红外谱线 infrared line; 红外气体分析仪 infrared gas analyser; 红外前视系统 forward-looking infrared system (FLIS); 红外穹门 irdome; 红外区 infrared region; 红外驱动 infrared driving; 红外驱动装置 infrared driving device; 红外全景照相系统 panoramic infrared photo system; 红外全息照相 infrared holography; 红外热报警 infrared heat alarm; 红外热磁材料 infrared pyromagnetic material; 红外热电材料 infrared pyroelectric material; 红外热发射 infrared emission; 红外热分析法 infrared thermal analysis; 红外热辐射 infrared emanation; 红外热辐射源 infrared emanator; 红外热探测器 infrared thermal detector; 红外热图 infrared chart; 红外热轴探测 infrared detection of hot axis; 红外溶剂 infrared solvent; 红外扫描几何图 infrared scan geometry; 红外扫描器 infrared scanner; 红外扫描系统 infrared scanning system; 红外扫描装置 infrared scanning device; 红外色散 infrared dispersion; 红外色指数 infrared colour index; 红外森林探火 infrared detection of forest fire; 红外闪光 infrared flare; 红外上变频 infrared up-conversion; 红外上变频器件 infrared up-converter; 红外上转换 infrared up-conversion; 红外摄像管 infrared vidicon (tube); 红外摄像装置 infrared eye; 红外摄影 infrared photography; 红外摄影机 infrared camera; 红外摄影术 infrared photography; 红外视像管 infrared vidicon; 红外输出 infrared output; 红外输入 infrared input; 红外数据 infrared data; 红外搜索器 infrared seeker; 红外搜索系统 infrared search system; 红外搜索与跟踪 infrared searching and tracking; 红外搜索装置 infrared search apparatus; infrared search set; 红外随动设备 infrared follow-up; 红外锁定 infrared lockon; 红外探测 infrared acquisition; infrared detection; 红外探测二极管 infrared detection diode; 红外探测技术 infrared detection technique; 红外探测器 infrared detector; 红外探测致冷器 infrared detector cooler; 红外探触 ultrared probe; 红外探向仪 infrared direction finding equipment; 红外探照灯 infrared searchlight; 红外天空背景 infrared sky background; 红外天图 infrared sky map; 红外天文(学) infrared astronomy; 红外天线 infrared antenna; 红外调制(器) infrared modulator; 红外通信 infrared communication; 红外通信系统 infrared communication system; 红外透射光学材料 infrared lens optical material; 红外透射滤光器 infrared transmitting filter; 红外透射特性 infrared transmission characteristic; 红外图像 infrared image; 红外望远镜 infrared telescope; sniperscope; 红外微波激射器 iraser; iaser; 红外伪装 infrared camouflage; infrared deception; 红外物理基础 fundamentals of infrared physics; 红外吸收 infrared absorption; 红外吸收光谱分析 infrared absorption spectrum analysis; 红外吸收光谱学 infrared absorption spectrometre; 红外吸收谱线 infrared absorption line; 红外吸收式分析仪器 infrared absorption analytical instrument; 红外吸收体 infrared absorber; 红外系统 infrared system; 红外系统应用 infrared system application; 红外纤维 infrared fibre; 红外显微镜 infrared microscope; 红外相片 infrared photo; 红外像元 infrared image element; 红外信标 infrared beacon; 红外信号 infrared signal 红外信号熵 infrared signal entropy; 红外星 {天} infrared star; 红外星等 {天} infrared magnitude; 红外星系 {天} infrared galaxy; 红外寻的 infrared homing; 红外寻路器 infrared pathfinder; 红外遥感 infrared remote sensing; 红外遥感技术 infrared technique for remote sensing; 红外遥感系统 infrared remote sensing system; 红外遥感仪 IR sensor; 红外夜视系统 infrared night vision system; 红外引爆 infrared blasting; 红外引信 infrared fuse; 红外宇宙飞行器定位装置 infrared spacecraft-orientation equipment; 红外预警卫星 infrared early-warning satellite; 红外预警系统 infrared early warning system; 红外源 infrared radiation source; 红外跃迁 infrared transition; 红外云层照相 infrared cloud-cover photograph; 红外灾难 infrared catastrophe; infrared problem; 红外噪声电平 infrared noise level; 红外增强设备 infrared augmentation equipment; 红外照相机 infrared camera; 红外照相术 infrared photography; 红外侦察 infrared reconnaissance; 红外震荡 infrared generation; 红外整流罩 infrared dome; 红外制导 infrared guidance; 红外制导控制 infrared guidance control; 红外制导头 infrared guidance head; 红外装置 infrared aids; infrared arrangement; infrared device; infrared equipment; infrared facility; 红外自动导航仪 infrared autonavigator; 红外自动导引头 infrared nose; 红外自动寻的导弹 infrared homer; 红外自动寻的法 infrarad homing method; 红外自动引导 infrared target homing |
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