字词 | 累 |
释义 | 累 lèi 形 (疲劳) tired; fatigued; weary: 累乏 tired out with too much exertion; 累极了 tired out; exhausted; worn out 动 (使疲劳; 使劳累) tire out; wear out: 累得筋疲力尽 knock out; 累得要死 be tired out (to death); 累眼睛 strain the eyes; 这是很累人的工作。 It is very tiring work. (操劳) work hard; toil: 累过度了 work oneself too much; 你累了一天, 该休息了。 You've been working hard all day. You need a rest. 另见 lěi。 2) 累(纍) léi 动 (书) (捆绑) tie; bind; truss up (雄畜与雌畜交配) copulate 名 (书) (绳索) rope; cord (书)(交配期的公牛) bull in mating season (姓氏) a surname: 累虎 Lei Hu 另见 lěi。 3) 累(Ⅰ③、Ⅱ纍) lěi 动 (积累) accumulate; pile up; lay on top of another: 势如累卵 hazardous and precarious like piling up eggs; 日积月累 accumulate day by day and month by month; 成千累万 thousands upon thousands (牵连) involve; implicate: 拖累 get sb. into trouble; implicate (用砖、石等砌或筑) build by piling up bricks, stones, earth, etc. 形 (屡次; 连续) repeated; continuous; running: 连篇累牍 long and tedious writings; 欢聚累日 happily gather for several days running; 累戒不改 refuse to mend one's ways despite repeated warnings 名 (姓氏) a surname: 累顺 Lei Shun 另见 léi; lèi。 |
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