

字词 紧张
释义 紧张
 jǐn zhāng
 (精神处于高度准备状态, 兴奋不安) nervous; keyed up:
  神情紧张 look nervous;
  克服紧张情绪 overcome one's nervousness;
  过度的神经紧张 excessive nervousness;
  什么事情使她这样紧张? What's she so nervous about?
  在发言时我总是感到紧张。 I'm always nervous when I make a speech.
 (激烈或紧迫, 使人精神紧张) tense; intense; strained; hectic; jettery:
  紧张而有秩序的工作 intense but orderly work;
  紧张局势 a tense situation; tension;
  紧张气氛 a tense atmosphere;
  缓和国际紧张局势 ease international tension;
  谈判最紧张的时候 when the negotiations were at their crucial stage;
  两国关系紧张。 The relations between the two countries are strained.
  这些日子真紧张。 These are hectic days.
  今天的活动太紧张了。 You have had a long day.
 (供应不足) in short supply; tight:
  这些货物供应紧张。 These goods are in short supply.
  {医} tension; tone; tonus; tautness; ademonia
 紧张过度 overstrain;
 紧张症 catatonia; katatonia




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