

字词 精通
释义 精通
 jīng tōng
 be proficient in (at); have a good command of; master; be good at; be familiar with; be hot in; be right down one's alley; be perfect in; be skilled in (at); be well versed in; be practised in; be skillful at (in); be acquainted with; have an intimate knowledge of; have a good knowledge of; have the knack of; have an intimate acquaintance with sth. (sb.); know sth. very well; be expert in (at); know from A to Z; be saturated with; be at home in; make oneself master of; be great at (on); be well up in; steep in; be accomplished in; be deeply read in; be a dab at sth.; be adept in sth.; excel in; be conversant with (in); get a thorough knowledge of; be at one's best in; be certainly A one at; attain (acquire) proficiency in; a dab hand in; be handy with (at); old hand (at); up one's street:
  精通英语 have a good command of English;
  精通一种技艺 be proficient at an art;
  精通本职业务 be proficient in one's professional work; become expert in one's own fields of endeavour;
  她非常精通音乐。 She was very proficient in music.
  我多么希望能精通这门学科。 If only I could be master of this subject.




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