

字词 粗糙
释义 粗糙
 cū cāo
 (不精细; 不光滑; 不细致; 草率) coarse; rough; crude:
  粗糙的译文 rough translation;
  皮肤粗糙 rough skin;
  手工粗糙 crudely made; of poor workmanship;
  这个农妇常干粗活, 手很粗糙。 The farm woman's hands were rough with hand work.
  这计划还很粗糙。 The plan is yet in the rough.
 粗糙表面 rough surface;
 粗糙表面反射系数 reflection coefficient of rough surface;
 粗糙病 leprosis;
 粗糙地面 rough earth;
 粗糙地形区 quebrada;
 粗糙高沼地 rhos;
 粗糙结构 coarse structure;
 粗糙面 mat surface; rugged face;
 粗糙食物 roughage;
 粗糙糖芥 Western wallflower;
 粗糙田皂角 solahplant; spongewood;
 粗糙纹理 rough grain;
 粗糙系数 coefficient of roughness; roughness coefficient; rugosity coefficient;
 粗糙型 rough type;
 粗糙性 roughness; harshness; asperity; rugosity;
 粗糙因素 roughness factor;
 粗糙猪映映 rough bedstraw




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