

字词 管路
释义 管路
 guǎn lù
 pipeline; canal; channel:
  铺设管路 lay pipe(lines)
 管路冲击 line shock;
 管路单向阀 line check valve;
 管路分布 distribution of pipe;
 管路分支 line branching;
 管路给油器 {机} air-line lubricator; line lubricator; line oiler;
 管路过滤器 in-line filter;
 管路破坏 line rupture protection valve;
 管路破坏保护阀 line rupture protection valve;
 管路铺设 pipe laying;
 管路输送能力 carrying capacity of a pipeline; delivery capacity; pipe run;
 管路系统 pipe system; pipeline system;
 管路压力 line pressure;
 管路阻力 pipe resistance




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