

 (管子) pipe; tube:
  气管 windpipe; trachea;
  水管 water pipe;
  吸管 siphon;
  滴管 dropper
 (吹奏的乐器) wind musical instrument:
  双簧管 oboe;
  单簧管 clarinet
 (形状似管的电器件) valve; tube:
  晶体管 transistor;
  电子管 electron tube
 (动植物体内细长的中空组织; 通道或管道) duct; canal; vessels:
  胆管 bile duct;
  淋巴管 lymphatic vessel;
  门脉管 portal canal
 (古国名) Guan, a state in the Zhou Dynasty
 (姓氏) a surname:
  管仲 Guan Zhong
 (管理) be in charge of; manage; run; supervise:
  管家务 run the house; keep house;
  管生产 be in charge of production;
  同时管10台机器 tend ten machines at the same time
 (管辖) administer; govern:
  这所大学由省直接管。 This university is directly under the Province.
 (管教) subject sb. to discipline:
  管孩子 control a child;
  孩子要管, 但更要引导。 Children need discipline, but they need guidance even more.
 (担任) take on; shoulder:
  你管宣传。 You are charged with propaganda.
 (过问) mind; interfere; bother about:
  别管我! Don't bother about me.
  少管闲事。 Mind your own business.
  我才不管呢! I can't be bothered.
  怎么管不着? Why shouldn't we interfere?
 (保证; 负责供给) guarantee; assure; provide:
  管退管换 replacement of defective goods guaranteed;
  管吃管住 provide food and accommodation
 (狭隘; 有限) narrow; restricted; 妉imited; small:
  管见 my humble opinion
  一管牙膏 a tube of toothpaste;
  两管钢笔 two pens
 (作用近似“把”, 专跟“叫”配合):
  管他叫小胖子 be known as “little fatty”; be called “little fatty”
 (方) (不管, 无论) no matter (what, how, etc.):
  管你怎么说, 他都不会相信你。 No matter what you may say, he will not believe you.
  管他想什么, 都没关系。 Whatever he thinks doesn't matter.




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