

字词 算计
释义 算计
 suàn ji
 (计算数目) calculate; reckon:
  算计算计买这么多东西要多少钱。 Work out how much all these things will cost.
 (考虑) consider; plan:
  我们必须在预算中把临时费用算计在内。 We must figure in occasional expenses in the budget.
  我们算计着怎样花这些钱。 We are considering how to spend the money.
  王大妈算计着下月买一台彩色电视。 Aunt Wang is planning to buy a colour TV set next month.
 (估计) expect; figure; guess:
  我算计他明天会来。 I figure he will come here tomorrow.
 (暗中谋划) scheme; plot:
  彼此相互算计 scheme against each other;
  暗中算计别人 secretly scheme against others;
  不要靠算计人过日子。 Don't be scheming against others all the time.




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