

释义 1
1.从所在地到别的地方(跟‘来1’①相对as opposed to ‘come’}){go}:
{way of advancing; the way to}|{whereabouts}|从成都重庆{from Chengdu to Chongqing}|了三天,还没回来。{He has been away for three days, and has not come back yet.}
2.离开{leave; depart; be off}:
{leave one's country}|{pass away; depart from this world}|{no longer hold one's post; quit one's job; resign from office}|留两便。{Go or stay, do as you like.}
3.失去;失掉{lose; be out of; be bereft of}:
大势已{The situation is beyond salvation. or It's a lost cause. or The game is as good as lost.}
4.除去;除掉{get rid of; remove; relieve}:
{prevent or cure a disease}|{relieve internal heat; relieve inflammation}|{remove the peel or skin}|这句话几个字就简洁了。{Delete a couple of words, and the sentence will read more concise.}
5.距离{be away from}:
两地相四十里{The two places are 40 li apart.}|今五十年。{It was 50 years ago.}
6.过去的(时间,多指过去的一年){past (oft. referring to the year just past)}:
{last year}|秋(去年秋天){last autumn}|冬今春。{last winter and this spring}
7.〈婉辞euph.指人死{die; pass away; depart; be gone; depart from this world; go to a better place}:
他不到四十岁就先了。{He passed away before he was 40.}
8.用在另一动词前表示要做某事{[used before another verb to indicate a future action] be about to; be going to}:
你们考虑考虑{You may go and think about it.}|自己想办法。{Go and figure out a way for yourself.}[注意]NOTE:
表示离开说话人所在地自行做某件事时用‘去’,表示到说话人所在地参与某件事时用‘来’。{when indicating an action of leaving the speaker, use 去, while for an action of coming towards the speaker, use 来 lái}
9.用在动词或动词结构后面表示去做某件事{[used after a verb or verbal structure to indicate an action that has started] have gone to do sth.}:
游泳{have gone for a swim}|他听报告{He has gone to listen to a report.}|回家吃饭了。{have gone home for dinner}[注意]NOTE:
听报告了。{去 qù in ⑧⑨ can be used simultaneously before and after a verb or verb-object structure to indicate ‘have gone to do sth.’, e.g. He has gone to listen to a report.}
10.用在动词结构(或介词结构)与动词(或动词结构)之间,表示前者是后者的方法、方向或态度,后者是前者的目的{[used between a verbal or prepositional structure and a verb or verbal structure to indicate the former is the way, direction or attitude of the latter, while the latter is the purpose of the former] to; in order to; through; by; from}:
提了一桶水浇花{take a bucket of water to water the flowers}|要从主要方面检查{conduct an inspection from the principal aspect}|用辩证唯物主义的观点观察事物。{look at things from a dialectical materialist point of view}
11.〈方dial.用在‘大、多、远’等形容词后,表示‘非常…’,‘…极了’的意思(后面加‘了’){[used after an adjective such as 大dà, 多duō, 远yuǎn, etc. and followed by 了·le to indicate degree] very; extremely}:
这座楼可大了了!{What an enormous building!}|他到过的地方多了了!{He has travelled to countless places!}
12.去声{falling tone}:
平上入。{level tone, rising tone, falling tone and entering tone}




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