单位dānwèi 1.计量事物的标准量的名称。如厘米为计算长度的单位,克为计算质量的单位,秒为计算时间的单位等。{amount or quantity taken as a standard of measurement, such as ‘centimetre’ as a unit of length, ‘gramme’ as a unit of weight, and ‘second' as a unit of time} 2.指机关、团体或属于一个机关、团体的各个部门{unit; government office; organization regarded as a whole or an elementary structure of a whole}: 直属~{unit under the direct jurisdiction of a higher authority}|下属~{subordinate unit}|事业~{institution}|参加竞赛的有很多~。{Many units participated in the competition.}