

释义 bāo
1.用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来{wrap in paper, cloth or other thin material}:
{cover a book with paper; put a jacket (or cover) on a book}|饺子{make jiaozi (dumplings)}|头上着一条白毛巾。{a white towel wrapped round one's head}
2.({bāor})包好了的东西{bundle; package; pack; packet; parcel}:
{packet of medicine}|{postal parcel}|打了个{wrap things up in a bundle}
3.装东西的口袋{bag; sack}:
{schoolbag}◇病{chronic invalid}|{rascal; rogue}|淘气ㄦ。{mischievous imp}
4.〈量词classifier用于成包的东西{package; bundle}:
大米{two sacks of rice}|一大衣服。{a big bundle of clothes}
5.物体或身体上鼓起来的疙瘩{protuberance; swelling; lump}:
树干上有个大{There is a big protuberance on the tree trunk.}|腿上起了个{a swelling on the leg}
6.毡制的圆顶帐篷{yurt; circular felt-covered tent over a collapsible frame}:
蒙古{Mongolian yurt}
7.围绕;包围{surround; encircle; envelop}:
火苗住了锅台{The flames envelop the pot.}|骑兵分两路过去。{The cavalry outflanks the enemy on both sides.}
8.容纳在里头;总括在一起{include; contain}:
9.把整个任务承担下来,负责完成{undertake a task and assume full responsibility for it}:
{contract for full medical coverage}|{contract for all instruction}|片ㄦ(负责完成一定地段或范围的工作)。{contract for work in a certain locality or field}
10.担保{assure; guarantee}:
你没错{No problem at all, I assure you.}|你满意。{Your satisfaction is guaranteed.}
11.约定专用{hire; charter}:
{hire (or charter) a car}|{book a whole theatre or cinema}|了一只船。{hire a boat}
12.(Bāo)姓。{a surname}€




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