

字词 副交感神经
释义 副交感神经fùjiāogǎnshénjīng植物神经系统的一部分,上部从中脑和延髓发出,下部从脊髓的最下部(骶部)发出,分布在体内各器官里。作用跟交感神经相反,有抑制和减缓心脏收缩,使瞳孔收缩、肠蠕动加强等作用。{parasympathetic nerve; part of the automatic nervous system, spreading out from the deutocerebrum and medulla oblongata, and the sacrum, to all organs of the body. Its functions are opposite to the sympathetic system, and it acts to inhibit and reduce heartbeat, contract the pupil of the eye, and strengthen peristalsis of the intestine, etc.}




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