

释义 2(剛)gāng〈副词adv.
1.恰好{just; exactly}:
不大不小,合适。{Just the right size, neither too big nor too small.}
2.表示勉强达到某种程度;仅仅{barely; only; just}:
清早出发的时候天还很黑,能看出前面的人的背包。{It was still dark when I set out in the early morning, so I could just make out the backpack of the person ahead of me.}
3.表示行动或情况发生在不久以前{only a short while ago; just now}:
从省里回来{He just came back from the provincial capital.}|那时弟弟学会走路。{At that time, my younger brother had just learned to walk.}
4.用在复句里,后面用‘就’字呼应,表示两件事紧接{[for use in a compound sentence, followed by 就jiù to indicate close succession of two events] as soon as}:
过立春,天气就异乎寻常地热了起来。{Spring had hardly begun when it became unusually hot.}




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