

字词 列宁主义
释义 列宁主义Lièníng zhǔyì帝国主义和无产阶级革命时代的马克思主义。列宁(Владимир Ильич Ленин)在领导俄国革命的实践中,在同第二国际修正主义的斗争中,继承、捍卫了马克思主义,并在关于帝国主义的理论,关于社会主义可能首先在一国取得胜利,关于建立无产阶级新型政党,关于无产阶级革命和无产阶级专政等问题上,发展了马克思主义。{Leninism; Marxism belonging to the age of imperialism and the proletarian revolution. During the course of leading the Russian Revolution and in the struggle against revisionist theories of the Second International (1889-1914), Lenin carried forward and defended Marxism, and he expanded it with his theories on imperialism, on the possible establishment of socialism in one country first, on the formation of a new kind of political party of the proletariat, and on the revolution and dictatorship of the proletariat.}




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