

字词 出来
释义 出来∥·chū∥·lái
1.用在动词后,表示动作由里向外朝着说话的人{[used after a verb to indicate an act directed from inside a place towards the speaker]}:
{take out}|拿得{be able to take out}|拿不{be unable to take out}|从屋里走出一个人来。{Someone comes out of the room.}
2.用在动词后,表示动作完成或实现{[used after a verb to indicate completion or realization of an action]}:
开出很多荒地来{Much wasteland has been reclaimed.}|创造出新产品来。{A new product has been developed.}
3.用在动词后,表示由隐蔽到显露{[used after a verb to indicate sth. coming to light or being driven home]}:
我认出他来了{I recognized him.}|听着听着渐渐听出点意思来了{(I) gradually made out the meaning as (I) listened.}|天黑了,字都看不了。{It's so dark, the characters are hardly discernible.}




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