

释义 2xià
1.由高处到低处{descend; alight}:
{go downhill}|{go downstairs}|顺流而{sail downstream; go down the river}
2.(雨、雪等)降落{(of rain or snow) fall}:
3.发布;投递{issue; deliver; send}:
命令{issue an order}|通知{serve notice}|战书。{deliver a letter of challenge}
4.去;到(处所){go to}:
{go to the countryside}|车间{go down to work in a workshop}|馆子。{dine out; eat out}
5.退场{exit; leave}:
八一队的五号,三号上{No. 5 of August 1st Team was replaced by No. 3.}|这一场戏你应该从右边的旁门{During this performance you'd better go offstage from the door on the right side.}
6.放入{put in; cast}:
{sowing}|面条{put noodles in boiling water; cook noodles}|本钱{invest}|网捞鱼。{cast a fishing net}
7.进行(棋类游艺或比赛){play (chess games)}:
围棋{play weiqi}|咱们两盘象棋吧!{Let's play some games of Chinese chess.}
8.卸除;取下{unload; take away}:
{remove one's stage makeup and costume}|把敌人的枪{disarm one's enemy}|把窗户下来。{Take down the window.}
9.做出(言论、判断等){make (remarks); draw (a conclusion)}:
结论{reach a conclusion}|批语{write comments on a document or homework}|定义。{give sth. a definition}
10.使用;开始使用{use; apply}:
力气{exert oneself}|工夫{make an effort}|{begin cutting meat}|{begin writing}|对症药。{suit the medicine to the illness}
11.(动物)生产{(of animals) give birth to; lay}:
母猪小猪{(a pig) give birth to a litter of piglets}|蛋。{(of a hen) lay eggs}
12.攻陷{capture; take}:
数城。{seize several cities at one sweep}
13.退让{give in; yield}:
相持不{neither side would budge an inch}
14.到规定时间结束日常工作或学习等{finish work or study in fixed time}:
{come off work; be off duty}|课。{finish class; dismiss a class}
15.低于;少于{less than; lower than}:
参加大会的不三千人。{At least 3,000 people attended the meeting.}




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