

释义 zài
1.〈副词adv.a)表示又一次(有时专指第二次{sometimes meaning esp. the ‘2nd time’}){once more; again; one more time}:
{2nd impression of printing; 2nd edition}|{work ceaselessly}|一而,而三{over and over again; time and again; again and again}|学习,学习,学习。{Study, study, and study again.}[注意]NOTE:
表示已经重复的动作用‘又’,表示将要重复的动作用‘再’{又yòu is used to indicate a repeated action, while 再zài is used to indicate an action that is to be repeated in future},如{e.g.}:
这部书前几天我又读了一遍,以后有时间我还要读一遍。{I read the book once more sev-eral days ago, and I'll read it again}b)表示更加{to a greater extent or degree}:
高点ㄦ,高点ㄦ{higher, still higher}|多一点ㄦ就好了。{It would be great if there was more}c)表示如果继续下去就会怎样{[indicating what will happen if a condition is allowed to continue]}:
学习不努力,就得留级了{You'll fail to go up to the next grade if you still don't study hard}|离开车只剩半个钟头了,不走可赶不上了。{There is only half an hour left. We'll miss the train if we don't start at once}d)表示一个动作发生在另一个动作结束之后{[indicating one action taking place after the completion of another]}:
咱们看完了这个节目{We'll leave after watching this performance}|你把材料整理好动笔。{Sort out the materials before setting pen to paper}e)表示另外有所补充{[indicating additional information]}:
{moreover; in addition; furthermore; besides}|不然{or; or else}|院子里种着迎春、牡丹、海棠、石榴,就是玫瑰和月季。{The garden has been planted with winter jasmine, peonies, Chinese flowering crab-apple trees, pomegranates, as well as roses and Chinese roses.}
2.〈书fml.再继续;再出现{continue; return; reappear}:
青春不{One's youth never returns.}|良机难{Opportunity knocks but once.}




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