释义 |
内线nèixiàn 1.安置在对方内部探听消息或进行其他活动的人,也指这种工作。{undercover agent; sb. planted among the ranks of an enemy or adversary to spy or carry out other activities; spying of this nature} 2.处在敌方包围形势下的作战线{interior front; front within an enemy-controlled area}: ~作战。{fight in the heart of an enemy-occupied area} 3.一个单位内的电话总机所控制的、只供内部用的线路。{intercom; telephone lines controlled by the switchboard of an organization and for internal use only} 4.指内部的关系或门路{clout; connection}: 走~。{get sth. done through one's connection} |