释义 |
黄巢起义Huáng Cháo Qǐyì黄巢所领导的唐末农民大起义。公元875年,黄巢发动起义,起义军提出‘均平’的政治口号。公元881年,起义军攻下唐都长安,建立了农民革命政权,国号大齐,也叫齐。后来起义虽被唐王朝所镇压,但却导致了唐王朝的迅速灭亡。{Huang Chao Uprising; major peasant uprising that began in 875 under Huang Chao's leadership, with the political slogan of ‘equality’. In 881, this peasant army sacked Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, and established the regime of Daqi or Qi. Although put down by the Tang court, it precipitated the rapid fall of the dynasty.} |