

字词 鸡鸣狗盗
释义 鸡鸣狗盗jī míng gǒu dào战国时,齐国孟尝君被秦国扣留。他的一个门客装做狗夜里潜入秦宫,偷出本已献给秦王的狐白裘献给秦王的爱姬,才得释放。孟尝君深夜到函谷关,城门紧闭,他的另一个门客学公鸡叫,骗开城门,才得脱险逃回齐国(见于《史记·孟尝君列传》)。后来用‘鸡鸣狗盗’比喻微不足道的技能。{According to Records of the Historian·Biography of Lord Mengchang, during the Warring States Period, Lord Mengchang of the State of Qi was detained by the State of Qin, and he was released only after one of his hangers-on disguised himself as a dog, sneaked into the Qin palace, made away with the white fox-fur coat that Lord Mengchang had already presented to the king of Qin as a gift, and bribed the king's favourite concubine with it. On another occasion, Lord Mengchang arrived at Hangu Pass at midnight, only to see the gate of the pass closed, and only after another hanger-on of his hoodwinked the guards into opening the gate by aping the cockadoodledoo of a cock was he able to escape and return to the safety of his home state. The phrase ‘crow like a cock and snatch like a dog’ has since been used to refer to mean or petty tricks.}




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