释义 |
鸟(鳥)niǎo脊椎动物的一纲,体温恒定,卵生,嘴内无齿,全身有羽毛,胸部有龙骨突起,前肢变成翼,后肢能行走。一般的鸟都会飞,也有的两翼退化,不能飞行。燕、鹰、鸡、鸭、鸵鸟等都属于鸟类。{bird; oviparity and a family of the vertebrate, having invariable body temperature, no teeth, a body covered with feather, protruding keels in the chest, wings evolved from the forelimbs, and rear limbs that can walk. Normally a bird can fly, but some have lost the ability because of degenerated wings. The swallow, eagle, chicken, duck, ostrich, etc. belong to this family.} ⇒鸟diǎo |