

释义 鳄(鱷)è爬行动物的一属,大的身体长达3—6米,四肢短,尾巴长,全身有灰褐色的硬皮。善于游泳,性凶恶,捕食鱼、蛙和鸟类,有的也吃人、畜。多产在热带和亚热带,其中扬子鳄是我国的特产。{crocodile (Crocodylidae); alligator; a kind of reptile, the largest of which is 3-6 metres long, with short limbs, a long tail and greyish brown hard skin. Of a ferocious nature, the crocodile is a good swimmer and feeds on fish, frogs, birds, and even domesticated animals and sometimes human beings. Crocodiles mostly live in tropical and subtropical regions, among which the Chinese alligator is a rare species.}俗称{popularly known as}鳄鱼{èyú}




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