释义 |
食甚shíshèn日偏食或月偏食过程中,太阳被月亮阴影遮盖最多或月亮被地球阴影遮盖最多时,两者之间的位置关系;日全食或月全食过程中,太阳被月亮阴影全部遮盖或月亮完全走进地球阴影里而两个中心距离最近时,两者之间的位置关系。也指发生上述位置关系的时刻。食甚发生在食既之后。{middle or maximum phase of an eclipse; positional relation between the sun and the moon, or between the earth and the moon, when the sun is mostly covered in the moon's shadow or the moon is mostly covered in the earth's shadow during a partial solar or lunar eclipse; positional relation of the sun and the moon, or the earth and the moon, when the sun is completely covered in the moon's shadow, or when the moon is fully covered in the earth's shadow, and the two centres are the closest to each other during a total solar or lunar eclipse; moment when such positional relation occurs after the 2nd contact of an eclipse;}参看see【食相】{shíxiàng}。 |