

字词 八股
释义 八股bāgǔ明清科举制度的一种考试文体,段落有严格规定,每篇由破题、承题、起讲、入手、起股、中股、后股、束股等部分组成。从起股到束股的四个部分,其中都有两股相互排比的文字,共为八股。内容空泛,形式死板,束缚人的思想。现在多用来比喻空洞死板的文章、讲演等。{eight-legged essay; literary form prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations in the Ming and Qing dynasties, known for its rigidity of form and poverty of ideas. Each composition is composed of eight parts:
setting the theme, exposition, explanation, proceeding to set hand, the starting leg, the middle leg, the rear leg and the ending leg. Each of the last four paragraphs consists of two pairs of parallel sentences, totalling eight pairs. Now a synonym for stereotyped writing or lecture.}




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