

释义 biān
1.鞭子。{whip; lash}
2.〈古代arch.兵器,用铁做成,有节,没有锋刃{iron staff made up of several joints and no blade, used as a weapon}:
{iron staff}|竹节{corrugated staff}
3.形状细长类似鞭子的东西{sth. resembling a whip}:
{teacher's pointer}|{bamboo root; bamboo whip}
4.供食用或药用的某些雄兽的阴茎{penis of certain male animals used as medicine or cooked as food}:
鹿{deer's penis}|{ox's penis}
5.成串的小爆竹,放起来响声连续不断{string of small firecrackers which crackle continuously when set off until spent}:
一挂{a string of firecrackers}|{set off firecrackers}
6.〈书fml.鞭打{flog; whip; lash}:
{whip a horse}|掘墓尸。{have the grave of sb. opened, take out the corpse and publicly flog it}




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