释义 |
鞍马ānmǎ 1.体操器械的一种,形状略像马,背部有两个半圆环,是木马的一种。{pommel horse; sports apparatus in the rough shape of a horse with two semi-circular knobs on its back; a kind of wooden horse} 2.男子竞技体操项目之一,运动员在鞍马上,手握半圆环或撑着马背做各种动作。{gymnastic event for men, with the athlete doing stunts by propping himself up with hands on the knobs or the back of a pommel horse} 3.鞍子和马,借指骑马或战斗的生活{saddle and horse; horseback-riding or battle life}: ~劳顿{be fatigued by a long journey; travel-worn}|~生活。{life of a horseback-rider or soldier} |