

字词 霍乱
释义 霍乱huòluàn
1.急性肠道传染病,病原体是霍乱弧菌。症状是腹泻,呕吐,大便很稀,像米泔水,四肢痉挛冰冷,休克。患者因脱水而眼窝凹陷,手指、脚趾干瘪。{cholera; acute, infectious disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, and characterized by profuse diarrhoea, vomiting, cramps, cold limbs, coma and dehydration. A victim's eyes sink into their sockets and fingers and toes shrivel from dehydration.}
2.〈中医Chin. med.泛指有剧烈吐泻、腹痛等症状的胃肠疾患。{acute gastroenteritis; intestinal disease characterized by profuse diarrhoea, vomiting and stomach-ache}




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