释义 |
陈胜吴广起义Chén Shèng Wú Guǎng Qǐyì我国历史上第一次大规模农民起义。公元前209年,贫苦农民陈胜、吴广率戍卒九百人在蕲县大泽乡(今安徽宿县东南)起义,迅速得到全国的响应。起义军建立了自己的政权,国号张楚。这次起义导致秦王朝的灭亡。{Chen Sheng-Wu Guang Uprising, the first large-scale peasant uprising in China's history. In 209 B.C., two poor peasants, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, led 900 garrison soldiers in a revolt in Daze Village, Qixian County (southeast of present-day Suxian County, Anhui Province). They were quickly followed by people across the country, and founded their own regime under the title of Zhangchu. The uprising led to the fall of the Qin Dynasty.}也说also大泽乡起义{Dàzéxiāng Qǐyì}。營 |