释义 |
陈世美Chén Shìměi戏曲《铡美案》中的人物,考中状元后喜新厌旧,被招为驸马而抛弃结发妻子,后被包公处死。用来指地位提高而变心的丈夫,也泛指在情爱上见异思迁的男子。{Chen Shimei, a notorious character in the traditional Chinese opera The Beheading of an Ungrateful Husband. Chen, after coming first in the imperial examination, abandons his wife and marries a princess, for which he is later beheaded by Lord Bao. The name Chen Shimei thus becomes a derisive title for a man who abandons his wife after successfully climbing the social ladder, and generally also for men who desert their old loves in favour of new romances.} |