释义 |
阁gé 1.风景区或庭园里的一种建筑物,四方形、六角形或八角形,一般两层,周围开窗,多建筑在高处,可以凭高远望{pavilion; building in scenic spots or gardens, usu. two-storeyed, with four, six or eight corners, and windows built into surrounding walls, usu. built on a vantage point so one can lean over the balcony and look into the distance}: 亭台楼~。{pavilions, terraces and open halls} 2.〈旧时old〉指女子的住屋{boudoir}: 闺~{boudoir}|出~。{(of a woman) marry} 3.指内阁{Cabinet (of a government)}: 组~。{set up a Cabinet} 4.〈书fml.〉放东西的架子{shelf}: 束之高~。{put on the shelf} |