

释义 门(門)mén
1.房屋、车船或用围墙、篱笆围起来的地方的出入口{(of a house, vehicle, ship, or places enclosed by wall or fence) entry; entrance}:
{front door}|{room door}|送货上{deliver goods to the customer's door}
2.装置在上述出入口,能开关的障碍物,多用木料或金属材料做成{door (usu. made of wood or metal)}:
{iron door}|栅栏{fence gate}|两扇红漆大{red painted double-leaf gate}
3.({ménr})器物可以开关的部分{anything that opens and shuts}:
{cupboard door}|ㄦ。{stove door}
4.形状或作用像门的{opening; valve; switch}:
{switch}|{water gate}|{air valve}|{floodgate}|{goal}
5.({ménr})门径{way to do sth.}:
{key to a problem}|炼钢的活ㄦ我也摸着点ㄦ了。{I've got the hang of steelmaking.}
6.〈旧时old指封建家族或家族的一支,现在指一般的家庭{branch of a family or clan, now referring to a family}:
王氏{Mrs. Zhang, née Wang; Mrs. Zhang whose maiden name is Wang}|长子{eldest son of the eldest branch of a clan}|{whole family}|双喜临{Double blessing has descended upon the house.}
7.宗教、学术思想上的派别{(religious or academic) sect; school (of thought)}:
{Confucianism}|{Buddhism}|左道旁{heretical sect}
8.传统指称跟师傅有关的{traditional term referring to the master or teacher}:
{take sb. as one's teacher}|{learn from the same teacher or master}|徒。{follower}
9.一般事物的分类{class; category}:
别类{put into different categories}|五花八{multifarious; of all sorts}
10.生物学中把具有最基本最显著的共同特征的生物分为若干群,每一群叫一门,如原生动物门、裸子植物门等。门以下为纲。{phylum; biological term denoting one of the primary ranks of organisms, consisting of one or more related classes, such as protozoa, gymnospermae, etc. Below the phylum is class.}
11.压宝时下赌注的位置名称,也用来表示赌博者的位置,有‘天门’、‘青龙’等名目。{gambler's position from which stakes are laid, known as ‘heavenly gate’, ‘black dragon’, etc.}
12.〈量词classifiera)用于炮{[of artillery]}:
大炮。{a cannon}b)用于功课、技术等{[of field of study or technical training]}:
功课{three courses}|技术。{two skills}
13.(Mén)姓。{a surname}




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