释义 |
金1jīn 1.金属,通常指金、银、铜、铁、锡等{metal, usu. referring to gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, etc.}: 五~{hardware}|合~。{alloy} 2.钱{money}: 现~{cash}|基~。{fund} 3.〈古时arch.〉金属制的打击乐器,如锣等{metal percussion instruments such as gongs}: ~鼓{gong and drum}|鸣~收兵。{beat gongs to recall the troops} 4.金属元素,符号Au(aurum)。黄色,质软,延展性强,化学性质稳定。是贵重金属,用来制造货币、装饰品等。{aurum (Au); gold; precious metal that is yellow, soft, highly malleable and chemically stable, and used to make coins, jewellery, etc.;}通称{commonly known as}金子{jīn·zi}或{or}黄金{huángjīn}。 5.〈比喻fig.〉尊贵、贵重{valuable}: ~口玉言{gold mouth and jade words; valuable words; utterances that carry great weight}|乌~墨玉(煤炭)。{coal} 6.像金子的颜色{golden}: ~色纽扣{gold buttons}|~漆盒子。{gold-lacquered box} 7.(Jīn)姓。{a surname}碔 |