

字词 那样
释义 那样nàyàng({nàyàngr})指示性质、状态、方式、程度等{[indicating property, state, method, degree, etc.] like that; such; so; that way}:
ㄦ也好,先试试再说{All right, let's try it out.}|他不像你拘谨{He's not as self-conscious as you.}|这个消息还没有证实,你怎么就急得ㄦ了!{The news hasn't been proved yet. How come you are worried like that?}|别这样的了,你还是去一趟的好。{Don't hesitate. Better go and see to it yourself.}[注意]NOTE:
‘那(么)样’可以做定语或状语,也可以做补语。‘那么’不做补语。比如‘急得那样ㄦ’,不能说成‘急得那么’。{那(么)样 nà(·me)yàng can be used as an attribute or a complement, but 那么 nà·me cannot be used as a complement. For example, 急得那样ㄦ jí·de nàyàngr cannot be put as 急得那么 jí·de nà·me.}




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