释义 |
道高一尺,魔高一丈dào gāo yī chǐ,mó gāo yī zhàng原为佛家告诫修行的人警惕外界诱惑的话,意思是修行到一定阶段,就会有魔障干扰破坏而可能前功尽弃。后用来比喻取得一定成就后遇到的障碍会更大,也比喻正义终将战胜邪恶。{As virtue grows by one foot, vice rises by ten. or The greater the illumination, the more the temptation. Originally, this was a saying from Buddhism to warn all adherents to be on guard against worldly temptations, meaning when they reached a certain stage on their way to enlightenment, the power of vice would interfere and create trouble, and all their previous efforts could be wasted. Later this term is oft. used to indicate that greater difficulties oft. come after achievements are attained, yet justice can ultimately triumph over evil.} |