

释义 1dào
1.({dàor})道路{way; road; path}:
{railway}|人行{pedestrian road}|康庄大{broad road}|羊肠小{small and winding path}
2.水流通行的途径{course; channel}:
{course of a river}|下水{sewer}|黄河故{old course of the Yellow River}
3.方向;方法;道理{orientation; way; method; justice}:
志同{cherish the same ideals and follow the same path}|头头是{clear and logical; tightly reasoned and well argued}|即以其人之,还治其人之身{deal with a man as he deals with you; pay sb. back in his own coin}|多助,失寡助。{Whoever has justice on his side will enjoy abundant support, and those who have not will find little.}
4.道德{morality; virtue}:
义。{morality and justice; moral obligations}
5.技艺;技术{technique; skill; art}:
{medical skill}|{tea ceremony}|{art of flower arrangement}|{method of reading books}
6.学术或宗教的思想体系{(academic, religious or ideological) doctrine; principle}:
尊师重{respect teachers and revere established ways}|{spread doctrines}|士。{apologist or defender of outdated morality}
7.属于道教的,也指道教徒{Taoism; Taoist}:
{Taoist temple}|{Taoist priest}|{Taoist nun}|{Taoist priest}|一僧一{monk and priest}
8.指某些封建迷信组织{superstitious sect}:
一贯{Yiguandao (a secret society)}
9.({dàor})线条;细长的痕迹{line; thin and long mark}:
画了两条横ㄦ,一条斜ㄦ。{drew two horizontal lines and one slanting line}
10.〈量词classifiera)用于江、河和某些长条形的东西;条{[of rivers and certain long and narrow things]}:
{a river}|擦痕{a scratch mark}|霞光。{myriad of sun rays}b)用于门、墙等{[of doors, walls, etc.]}:
{two entrances}|防线{three lines of defence}|围墙。{one surrounding wall}c)用于命令、题目等{[of orders, questions, etc.]}:
命令{an order}|十五题。{15 questions}d){[indicating number of times or layers]}:
上了三{painted three coats}|省了一手续。{save one step in the process}
11.({dàor})计量单位, 忽米的通称。{measuring unit; popular term for 忽米 hūmǐ}




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