

字词 退化
释义 退化tuìhuà
1.生物体在进化过程中某一部分器官变小,构造简化,机能减退甚至完全消失,叫做退化。如鲸、海豚等的四肢成鳍状,仙人掌的叶子成针状,虱子的翅膀完全消失。{degenerate; retrogress; retrograde; (of certain organs of an organism) shrink in size as their structure simplifies, and their functions decline or disappear altogether, e.g. the limbs of the whale, dolphin, etc., which have turned into fins, the leaves of the cactus which have reduced to the size of needles, and the wings of louse, which have disappeared completely}
2.泛指事物由优变劣,由好变坏。{(in a broad sense) worsen; become worse; (of a good thing) turn or become bad}




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