

字词 儒艮
释义 儒艮rúgèn哺乳动物,全身灰褐色,腹部色淡,无毛,头圆,眼小,无耳壳,吻部有刚毛,前肢作鳍形,后肢退化,母兽有一对乳头。生活在海洋中,食海草。{dugong (Dugong dugon); dust-coloured and hairless herbivorous marine mammal with its belly in a lighter colour, having a round head with small eyes and bristles on its muzzle but no earlaps, flipperlike forelimbs, and degenerated hindlimbs, and feeding on seaweeds, the female having a pair of teats;}俗称{popularly known as}人鱼{rényú}




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