

字词 过来
释义 过来∥·guò∥·lái
1.用在动词后,表示时间、能力、数量充分(多跟‘得’或‘不’连用{oft. used with 得·de or 不bù}){[used after a verb to indicate sufficiency of time, ability or amount] be able to manage, handle, or deal with}:
活ㄦ不多,我一个人干得{It's not much work, so I can manage alone.}|这几天我忙不{I can't manage it these few days.}
2.用在动词后,表示来到自己所在的地方{[used after a verb to indicate a movement towards the speaker]}:
捷报从四面八方飞{News of the victory kept pouring in from all around.}|敌人几次三番想冲过桥来,都叫我们给打退了。{The enemy tried several times to charge from the other end of the bridge, but each time we fought them back.}
3.用在动词后,表示正面对着自己{[used after a verb to indicate sth. facing oneself]}:
他转过脸来,我才认出是位老同学。{I didn't recognize him as one of my former classmates until he turned around.}
4.用在动词后,表示回到原来的、正常的状态{[used after a verb to indicate coming round to the original state]}:
{come to}|觉悟{become enlightened; become aware of; come to the realization}|他真固执,简直劝不{He is too stubborn to come round.}|爬到山顶,大家都累得喘不过气来。{All of us were quite out of breath when we got to the top of the mountain.}




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