

释义 边(邊)biān
1.几何图形上夹成角的射线或围成多边形的线段。{side of a geometrical figure; lines that form angle or a multi-angle figure in geometry}
2.({biānr})same as边缘{biānyuán}:
{seaside; seashore}|{edge of a village}|{edge of fields}|马路ㄦ。{roadside; the side of a street}
3.({biānr})镶在或画在边缘上的条状装饰{striped decoration fixed or drawn on the edge of sth.}:
{lace}|ㄦ。{golden lace}
4.边界;边境{border; frontier}:
{border area; borderland}|{frontier (border) defence}|{defend the border}
{limit; bound; boundary; margin}|一望无{stretch as far as the eye can see; stretch to the horizon}
6.靠近物体的地方{place next to a person or thing}:
{side}|{at or by one's side; around}
7.方面{side; party}:
会谈{bilateral talks}|都说好了。{The two sides have reached an agreement.}
8.用在时间词或数词后,表示接近某个时间或某个数目{[used after a reference to time or to a numeral, meaning sth. close to the time or the numeral]}:
冬至上下了一场大雪{There was a heavy snow around the Winter Solstice.}|活到六十上还没有见过这种事。{I have never seen anything like this, even though I am about 60.}
9.两个或几个‘边’字分别用在动词前面,表示动作同时进行{[two or more 边biān used before verbs to express the simultaneous progression or development of two or more actions]}:
{learn while working}|收件,打包,托运。{take goods, pack them and consign them for shipment}
10.(Biān)姓。{a surname}€#




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