

释义 轻(輕)qīng
1.重量小;比重小(跟‘重’相对as opposed to ‘heavy’}){light; of little weight}:
如燕{as light as a swallow}|油比水,所以油浮在水面上。{Oil is lighter than water, and floats on its surface.}
2.负载小;装备简单{light; easy to carry; with light load or simple equipment}:
{light; with light packs; light military equipment}|骑兵{light cavalry}|车简从。{travel with light luggage and few attendants; travel light with a small entourage}
3.数量少;程度浅{small in number, degree, etc.}:
年纪{be young}|工作很{light work load}|伤。{minor wound; slight injury}
4.轻松{relaxed; carefree; light-hearted}:
音乐{light music}|无病一身{To be healthy is a blessing. or Good health is a blessing.}
5.不重要{unimportant; not important; of no significance}:
责任{carry a light responsibility}|关系不{have an important bearing on; be quite important}
6.用力不猛{gently; softly; lightly}:
{handle gently; handle with care}|推了他一下。{push him gently; give him a gentle push}
7.轻率{rashly; impetuously}:
{credulous; gullible; readily believe}|举妄动。{act rashly and blindly; act impetuously; make some rash move; take reckless actions}
8.不庄重;不严肃{flighty; frivolous; not serious}:
{frivolous; skittish; coquettish; flirtatious}|薄。{frivolous; flirtatious}
9.轻视{belittle; make light of; regard sb. or sth. as of no importance}:
{treat sb. rudely; slight sb.}|{take the enemy lightly; underestimate the strength of the enemy}|财重义。{prize righteousness and benevolence above wealth; treasure friendship more than wealth; be big-hearted}




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