

字词 跳蚤
释义 跳蚤tiào·zɑo昆虫,身体小,深褐色或棕黄色,有吸吮的口器,脚长,善跳跃。寄生在人或哺乳动物身体上,吸血液,是传染鼠疫、斑疹伤寒等病的媒介。也叫虼蚤(gè·zɑo)。有的地区叫跳虱。{flea; small, flattened, and wingless insect of the order Siphonaptera, with large legs adapted for jumping. As adults they are bloodsucking parasites on humans or mammals and birds, and are a medium in infecting plague, typhus fever, etc.; also called 虼蚤gè·zɑo and 跳虱tiàoshī in some places}




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