

释义 zǒu
1.人或鸟兽的脚交互向前移动{walk; go; person, bird or animal moves feet forward alternately}:
{walk}|{hit the road; walk}|孩子会{The baby can walk now.}|马不了。{The horse has stopped in its tracks.}
2.{run; move}:
相告。{run about spreading the news}
3.(车、船等)运行;移动;挪动{(of a vehicle, boat, etc.) move; drive; sail}:
钟不{The clock has stopped.}|这条船一个钟头能三十里{The ship can ply 30 li per hour.}|你这步棋坏了。{You've made a bad move.}
4.离开;去{leave; go away}:
车刚{The bus (car, train, etc.) has just left.}|我明天要{I'm leaving tomorrow.}|请你一趟吧{Please do us a favour by making a trip there.}|把土抬{carry the earth away}
5.指人死(婉辞{euph.}){pass away; die}:
她还这么年轻就了。{She died so young.}
6.(亲友之间)来往{(of relatives and friends) visit; call on}:
娘家{visit the bride's home}|亲戚{visit a relative}|他们两家得很近。{The two families are in close touch.}
7.通过;由{through; from}:
咱们这个门出去吧。{Let's go out through this door.}
8.漏出;泄漏{leak; let out; escape}:
{The gas is leaking.}|{disclose (a secret)}|了嘴。{make a slip of the tongue}
9.改变或失去原样{depart from the original; lose the original shape, flavour, etc.}:
{depart from the original model}|调ㄦ{out of tune}|茶叶味了{The tea has lost the original flavour.}|你把原意讲了。{You failed to convey the original meaning in your speech.}




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