

释义 guǒ
1.(用纸、布或其他片状物)缠绕;包扎{bind; wrap}:
{wrap up; bind up; enfold in; pack in}|{leggings}|用绷带把伤口好。{dress a wound; bind up a wound; wrap a bandage around a wound}
2.包裹好的东西{package; bundle; parcel}:
大包小{all the bundles, big or small}
3.为了不正当的目的把人或物夹杂在别的人或物里面{mix sb. or sth. into another group of people or things with ulterior motives; make away with}:
土匪逃跑时走了村子里的几个人。{The bandits carried off some villagers when they retreated.}
4.〈方dial.吸(奶){suck (milk)}:
小孩ㄦ一生下来就会奶。{A baby is able to suck at the breast right after birth.}H




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