释义 |
蠓měng昆虫的一科,成虫体很小,褐色或黑色,触角细长,翅短而宽。幼虫长圆柱状,灰白色或带黄白色,表面光滑。蛹长椭圆形,褐色。卵长纺锤形,黄白色。某些雌蠓吸食人畜的血液。有些蠓能传染疾病。{biting midge (Ceratopogonidae); minute bloodsucking insect. Adults have a small brown or black body with long, fine feelers and short, wide wings while the larvae have a long, round, greyish white or yellowish white body and smooth skin. The pupae are oval brown, the eggs spindle-shaped, and yellowish white. Certain female midges suck the blood of human beings or animals; can spread disease.} |